Meet the main girls, and the demo is now in early production

Hey, everyone!

As the title explained it, I'll be telling the start of the early development,  and the main girls of the story. 

Let's do this!

The main girls

Let me introduce the two main girls,  Hayley and Gracie.

Hayley Bright 

I created Hayley to be a brand new hot headed character in this series. As Flarebay,  her hair turns red.

I believe I made myself a rule to make my own ocean of characters who had red hair to be to be main character but have a soft side to them.

In the demo I had a nice time to create funny scenarios about her character, and how to Channel her emotions to make her likeable so perhaps the audience will choose her route.  That's just hope that the audience can handle her hot temperedness but you'll get warm once you get used to her (pun attended).

Gracie Scales 

I believe that Gracie will be a great challenge to write a story about.

I believe she's the most shy character that I created, but her backstory will be important to the lore of the story of the game.

As the game titles suggested, Gracie's the "villain" of the story, in a way.

I haven't even shows you her transformation yet but as you can tell by her profile card, you might have known.

I'll see it for later for the next development update because it's part of the story.

Current update 

Right now, everything is in early development for the demo.

By that meaning I haven't code the demo script into my program yet.

I've done the counter sprites for the demo and I believe I got almost the backgrounds for it too

The background muisc are currently in working progress but  it's starting off fine. 

I'll save a voice acting at the last part.

Getting an GUI system and possibly hiring a assistant programmer would be the last thing to do  for the  demo.

That's all I could say for now but thank you for listening.

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